Many months and no updates, last time the excuse for this was that nothing was happening, this time thankfully its quite the opposite. The first few months of 2009 were a good time at angelelectric. The mobile studio was dumped in the boot of the angelelectric tardis and brought first to the outskirts of letterkenny to work with zafaranchos, a four piece punk and roll band with years of garage rock under their collective belts. We set up seven microphones and recorded the lads live for a total of about 6 hours over two days, then a week later i was back in the tardis to teleport my way to ballybofey, again, seven microphones and a band, this time the evangelists.
For the next few months Moose Zafaranchos and myself spent about two evenings a week learning about equalizing, panning and how to tear a roland vs 1680 to pieces, fix the stop button which died mid project after 10 years of faithful service and stick it back together with only one screw left over. The result of all this was the zafaranchos 'need more time' demo. Zafaranchos will be playing the halloween rockfest at the tap in dublin this year so that would be a great time to get down there, see them live and pick up one of the screen printed copies of the e.p.
We've just started working on the 7 songs recorded in the evangelists session, which we hope to get out there before the end of 2009.
So what is angelelectric the third???
In 2003 there was angelelectric the first, which was a tascam 4 track and a malfunctioning electric guitar plugged into ghetto blaster.
In 2004 it was shit or get off the toilet time, so i bit the bullit and plunged myself into debt, the aforementioned roland vs-1680 became angelelectric the second. My primary memory of this period was being on such a tight budget that my entire weekly spend on food was six euro and that the highlight of my week was picking up another two microphone cables so i could fully explore the world of multitrack recording... from 2004 to 2009 angelelectric was a bedroom studio which wouldnt have been out of place in the transformers movie. People would come over, the mattress was flung up against the wall and a few stools from the front room would be dragged in, and hey presto, bedroom to recording studio in 60 seconds.
Angelelectric the third is so called because for the first time angelelectric has room of its own, and i've spent a good two weeks square eyed on the internet learning about computer recording, interfaces and things so technical that i've started dreaming in hexidecimal. So over the next few weeks angelelectric the third will be assembled, the evangelists will be mixed and the 1680 will be sanctioned for dust gathering experiments, and all going well there will be a 'no money to make music 2'
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